Fall 2024 Breathwork Teacher Training Schedule

Three Incredibly Powerful Levels of Breathwork Teacher Training:

  • LEVEL 1 - Oct. 19-20, 2024 ... Deepen Your Personal Practice & Learn the Breathwork Basics: Facilitating 1:1 Sessions

    Saturday - 10/19/2024 … 10:00am-6pm

    Sunday -10/20/1024 2024 … 10:00am-6pm

    Location: Red Diamond Yoga, Los Angeles, CA


    In this fully guided, 2-day, hands-on, experiential teacher training intensive, you will learn the fundamentals of becoming a Breathwork practitioner and how to facilitate one-on-one sessions with poise and confidence. Here is some of what’s covered over the course of these two days:

    o Breathwork! What is this ancient, 3-part, pranayama yoga, active, breathing meditation technique - the tool at the core of this work?

    o The science behind Breathwork, and how it clears stuck energy in the energetic bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).

    o The most common responses – physically and emotionally - a client may have as they do this work – including explaining what Tetany is and what causes it.

    o Why it’s important to develop a consistent personal Breathwork practice yourself, i.e., healing yourself so you can help others heal.

    o Creating a sacred, safe, and comfortable space for your client and the tools you have at your disposal (e.g., smudging with sage or Palo Santo) to clear your working space from any stuck/negative energy.

    o What ‘holding space’ means, how to do it, and how to create boundaries to protect you and your client throughout this process.

    o Breathwork demonstration starting with the ‘intake’, i.e., the pre-breathwork conversation with a client, setting intentions, and what to talk about after the session.

    o Facilitating a Breathwork session yourself with a partner (there will be a couple of these over the 5-hour training).

    o Journaling exercises to develop intuition and connection.

    o Extensive group discussions about healing work in general and Breathwork specifically.

    o Holding yourself to the highest moral and ethical standards.

    o Additional tools: using music/sound (drums, gongs, crystal bowls, rain sticks, etc.) as tools for healing.

    o The 7 Chakras and how Breathwork can be used to clear/balance these energy centers.

    o Mindset work and addressing disempowering beliefs and self-sabotaging behavior.

    o The Universal Law of Vibration and how it applies to healing/manifestation.

    o The Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation and how it applies to healing.

    o The principle of Entrainment and how raising one vibrational frequency heals our energetic bodies.

    o Exchange (financial or some other form).

    o Self-love.

    Click on the link below and sign up!

  • LEVEL 2 - Nov. 16-17, 2024 ... Working with Couples and Small Groups

    PLEASE NOTE: Level 2 requires prior completion of Level 1.

    Saturday - 11/16/024 … 10:00am-6pm

    Sunday - 11/17/2024 … 10:00am-6pm

    Location: Red Diamond Yoga, Los Angeles, CA

    $800.00 (early bird discount-expires Oct. 27 ... then it's $880.00)

    In this ‘Level Two’ fully supported, 2-day, hands-on, experiential teacher training you will build on the basics of becoming a Breathwork practitioner and facilitating one-on-one sessions, plus you'll learn how to work with couples and small groups. Over the course of this weekend training, here is some of what’s covered:

    o Brief review the material covered in Level 1.

    o Demonstration of a full one-on-one session.

    o Further developing your intuition and learning to trust it.

    o A deeper dive into self-love and exchange.

    o Facilitating Breathwork sessions for couples (life partners and/or family members).

    o What's your love language?

    o Creating a sacred, safe, and comfortable space for your clients.

    o Discussing and deciding on a communication style.

    o Tools to clear your working space from any stuck/negative energy.

    o Using sound energy to enhance the Breathwork experience (music, drums, sound bowls, gongs, rain sticks, didgeridoos, etc.)

    o The art of listening (and not just getting ready to formulate a response).

    o How and when to use essential oils + crystals in the Breathwork experience.

    o Breathwork for chakras clearing and balancing.

    o Opening, facilitating, and closing a group session (Healing Circle).

    o Setting intentions in a Healing Circle.

    Click on the link below to sign up!

  • LEVEL 3 - Dec. 14-15, 2024 ... Working with Large groups and Developing Your Healing Skills

    PLEASE NOTE: Level 3 requires prior completion of Levels 1 & 2.

    Saturday 12/14/2024 … 10:00am-6pm

    Sunday - 12/15/2024 … 10:00am-6pm

    Location: Red Diamond Yoga, Los Angeles, CA

    $800.00 (early bird discount-expires Dec. 1 ... then it;s $880)

    Open your heart, trust your guidance and intuition, and be in alignment with your inner healer.

    In this Level 3 – and final - teacher training, you will continue to hone your healing skills, knowledge, and experience as a Breathwork facilitator, teacher, and healer. In addition, we’ll discuss how you can make Breathwork a viable business that can, in the long term, support you spiritually and financially.

    This Level 3 training is the 3rd and the final step in receiving your Breathwork Practitioner certification.

    NOTE: You will receive your full certification as a Breathwork practitioner upon the completion of all 3 levels of Breathwork Teacher training and a ‘practicum.’ The practicum consists of helping Robert during 3 breathwork classes at Red Diamond Yoga; first as an assistant, then as co-facilitator, and finally leading a class yourself, with Robert assisting you

    Over the course of this weekend training, here is some of what’s covered:

    o Refining you 1:1 and group Breathwork facilitating skills.

    o Share more of your experiences practicing on your clients.

    o Share some of your experiences during your ‘practicum’ sessions assisting the group Breathwork classes.

    o Continuing to develop and trust your intuition.

    o Leading the group in a full Chakra clearing/balancing Breathwork session.

    o Sharing your tips, techniques, and tools when leading the class and how have you made the way you lead a class your own.

    o Staying clear, creating, and maintaining boundaries when working with clients and facilitating groups.

    o Open discussion on many topics including:

    - How has you own Breathwork practice changed you and your life.

    - What are some of things you’ve learned so far from guiding others through their Breathwork journey.

    - Where do you feel stuck sometimes when facilitating a session.

    - How does group energy/dynamics affect a group session.

    o Setting your intentions: for the weekend; for your life as a healer.

    o Setting up your alter – staying grounded.

    o Making and keeping spirituality is fun!

    o Breathwork Q & A about your personal practice as well as your healing work.

    Click on the link below to sign up!